A successful moving

Keys to a successful moving

Moving house, a word that is sometimes far away but which, when the time comes, can cause us big problems if we don’t know the little tricks that will help us to enjoy a new and exciting change in our lives. Read on and discover little tips for your move 10.

Moving: comparing, cleaning and more

Moving house involves a difficult first decision to make: do we do the move ourselves or do we hire a removal company? Either option is valid, if you want to enjoy it without complications compare the different removal companies in your area well in advance and book your moving date or, on the other hand, if you want to do it yourself, make sure you have a van available and a lot of patience because it will be hours of lifting furniture, boxes and other household goods non-stop.

Steps prior to moving

Buying or renting a new home will always involve a thorough cleaning, removing everything that the previous tenants left behind and leaving all the corners of our new home clean. Along with the thorough cleaning and prior to the move, we should get rid of everything we do not need or have not used for a long time (following philosophies such as feng shui for example) to make the move lighter.

Obviously, moving home requires several days of hard work, packing the decoration, personal belongings, clothes, household items and other elements that make up your current home in boxes with handles (to which we will add bubble wrap or wrapping paper for the most delicate objects) and packing tape, distributing their weights correctly so that the move does not turn into a hellish experience. All these boxes, conveniently identified by rooms in our personal inventory, will allow us to carry out the move easily, distributing them in the different spaces available.

The moving boxes should also include items such as our medical kit or food, elements that we should take into account, as getting rid of food or medicines that have expired or are about to expire will lighten the weight of these boxes. Along with these boxes, we should pack comfortable clothes and basic toiletries for those hectic days, as well as all our personal documentation, which we should always have located to avoid unnecessary losses.

Another aspect to bear in mind when moving house is to observe, both in our current neighbourhood and in the area where our future home will be located, the parking spaces, where we must have available parking spaces that do not block traffic or cause us to be involved in a future traffic fine.

Household appliances and furniture: tips for a simple moving

Rooms such as the kitchen or the living room are the ones that will contain the most objects in your future move, so, in our opinion, you will have to put a lot of time and dedication into storing everything perfectly so that nothing suffers damage (small and large household appliances, crockery…). So, pack each of your rooms individually, slowly but surely.

The furniture you need to transport should be transported in one piece, lined with bubble wrap and with the appropriate protections, empty and, if possible, disassembled. So, put all your clothes in plastic bags and suitcases, identifying them and separating them by room, as well as all your technological gadgets (tablets, laptops, smartwatches, etc… along with their respective chargers).

The moving: the key day has arrived

Moving house is a process that requires effort and time, so you should do it during your holidays or at the weekend to be able to enjoy it and organise your new home as it deserves. Those days are days of a lot of hassle and stress, so the more comfortable you are, the better.
On the morning of the move you should eat a hearty breakfast and be positive about the hard hours of work ahead of you, trying to avoid overexerting yourself with items such as trolleys or similar. You should also take snacks and food with you so that you can feed yourself without having to work hard in the kitchen.

The removal should be done by rooms, placing the boxes from each of the rooms in their corresponding places to avoid accumulating too many boxes in the same area. The boxes should be removed carefully, eliminating from your list what you are removing and placing so as not to leave anything behind. Our advice is to put the clothes in first place to catch your breath and then move on to dust the boxes in the kitchen and living room which, as we have mentioned, take much longer to clear out.

After the move you should check that everything is in its place and that nothing is missing and keep the documents of the house in a safe place, out of reach of intruders and/or squatters.

Moving, one more step towards your happiness with Grupo Mar de Casas

Moving is a decision that involves much more than a change of home, it can involve a change of city, work and even lifestyle. Take the step with Grupo Mar de Casas and find your ideal home in MurciaAlicante and Almería, it will be your definitive move!