Sustainable houses

The 21st century has highlighted the depletion of certain natural resources and the firm commitment to the construction of sustainable houses (also known as ecological houses) that involve sustainability in both their materials and their construction process. Read on, we explain everything you need to know about sustainable houses, a silent green revolution that is gaining more and more followers, both individuals and civil engineering construction companies.

What are sustainable houses? A green definition

Sustainable houses use environmentally friendly building materials, especially recycled ones, carrying out a construction process that minimises the environmental impact on the building site, all in pursuit of maximum energy efficiency and climate self-sufficiency, minimising emissions into the environment. But what are the advantages of sustainable houses? We explain it to you, don’t go away!

Advantages of sustainable houses

Sustainable houses use recycled and recyclable materials for their construction, which, coming from the natural life cycle, can be reused with minimal environmental impact. In terms of performance, sustainable houses aim for high energy efficiency with minimal use of resources in a climate process of constant renewal.

Sustainable houses are ecological houses that seek to protect both the environment and our health, freeing us from environmental pollution, reducing electromagnetic currents from our mobile devices or carrying out comprehensive and appropriate water management to eliminate toxic waste from it, among many other elements that are improved compared to traditional housing.

Ecological or sustainable buildings also have a low maintenance cost because their elements, in most cases, generate a feedback process (solar, water, climate…) that lead to zero consumption and are considered the definitive step towards a green and 100% sustainable construction, despite having a medium-high investment cost.

How much does it cost to build a sustainable house?

Building a sustainable house involves taking many factors into account beforehand regarding its location, as it is essential to have a good orientation and the existence of natural resources nearby to reduce the impact and cost of transport; the materials used, of natural or synthetic origin that can be recycled and which energies we are going to use for the self-sufficiency of the house, especially hydraulic energies (electric generators that take advantage of rainwater and/or storage tanks with closed water circuits), geothermal or thermal energies (to collect the heat from the sun or from the interior of the earth for the air conditioning of the house and the use of hot water for example), etc. .. Therefore, we must bear in mind that building a sustainable home can be economically attractive and profitable in the medium term despite having a high implementation cost due to all the construction technologies to be applied.

Sustainable houses, a 100 % green way of life

Building or buying a sustainable home is more than just buying a house, it is starting a new way of living green, according to a sustainable and environmentally friendly conscience, minimising the impact and carbon footprint we make, reducing the cost of non-recyclable materials, recycling all our materials and reusing others that can be introduced into the sustainable chain. So, go green and start enjoying yourself in a sustainable way, the planet will thank you for it!